
about khattieQ

khattieQ is a musician, performer, and theatre maker hailing from Puerto Rico. In 2020 they co-created the piece Catalina La O Presenta: Now With Me with their wife Jenny. The piece was the 2020 Vancouver Fringe New Play Prize winner. Catalina La O Presenta features original music by khattieQ and Anton Berríos. khattieQ was the original guitarist and vocalist for punk band BLXPLTN(Blacksploitation) from 2013 to 2015. khattie is a 2021 Bill Millerd recipient from The Arts Club in Vancouver. khattieQ has played as a professional musician with over twenty bands, most notably they toured as drummer for queer femme core band The Tuna Helpers and taught drums at Girls Rock Austin Summer Camps from 2010-2017. Sponsored by the SIMS Foundation, khattieQ was named one of Antone’s top ten Heart of the City musicians in 2016. khattieQ’s professional theater credits include Denim Doves and Casta for Salvage Vanguard Theater in Austin, TX, Heaven Born Wind at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and Be-Longing for the frank theatre company in Vancouver. khattie served as Musical Director for Anais West’s Absolute Underground Fiction, and composed original music for jkjk’s Desperately Seeking Comfortable Shoes and spring creek brook. khattieQ was a member of the Emerging Arts Leadership program at the Belfry Theatre (2021) and served as Associate Producer on Neworld Theatre’s Clean/Esposa (2022). khattieQ hosted Rumble Theatre’s Untrue Stories Live in 2021 and 2022, and co-curated the 2021, 2022, and 2023 Interplay Festival.

 photo by Minerva Villa

photo by Minerva Villa


Pressure (Official Video)



Tuna Helpers, "Tuna Stalker"

khattieQ on drums

Litter Meet

khattieQ on drums

I Don't Wanna by CastleNova

khattieQ on drums