Thank you for supporting our work!
Your tax deductible donation helps us pay the artists we hire to collaborate with. In 2024-2025 we are sharing a workshop of our next new play Jane and the Velvet Horns, sharing this work-in-progress here in Austin, and at the INVERSE festival at The Momentary in Arkansas. We are producing one international collaboration, Unlived Lives: Reboot, with German based Bulgarian artists Ida Daniel and Todor Stoyanov, and we are presenting four nights of entertainment with JK’s Just Kidding! a comedy variety hour featuring a bevy of local talent.
You may make a tax deductible donation through our Fiscal Sponsor Salvage Vanguard Theater.
Please write “for jkjk” in the notes/memo, and drop us an email letting us know you made a donation so we can send you a tax receipt letter!