
Big Gay Animal Kingdom

Big Gay Animal Kingdom

by jkjk

work-in-progress... more news coming soon...

Big Gay Animal Kingdom is an immersive comedic theatre performance. Think Oprah day-time talk show meets TED Talk meets a Steve Irwin Crocodile Hunter special. The audience is gathered for a scientific animal presentation led by famed researcher Jane Goodyck. Jane has invited the audience here tonight to meet some of the animals she discovered on her journey. The Velvet Horn Deer, Penguins, the Doodlebug and more. The performance is a series of funny interviews between Jane and these gay animals. The audience is given prizes, they will learn a special mating dance, and they will have a Q&A with a few of our LGBTQIA+ animal guests.

This piece has a lot of humor, clowning, dance, and music. There are also invitations into spaces of deeper feeling and contemplation. With Big Gay Animal Kingdom we are saying that Trans and Queer bodies are normal and natural. We are saying that Queer bodies have been around since the beginning of time, and we exist in many species across the planet.

Petter Boeckman, from the University of Oslo, said, “one fundamental premise in social debate has been that homosexuality is unnatural. This premise is wrong. Homosexuality is both common and highly essential in the lives of a number of species.”

 photos by Minerva Villa

photos by Minerva Villa